





办 公 室:海韵园伟德betvlctor体育B楼B309


Ph.D., School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University.
Major in Probability and Statistics

B.S., Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University.
Major in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics


School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Associate Professor

Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Visiting Assistant Professor

School of Mathematical Sciences, Xiamen University, Assistant Professor


1. 数理统计理论,包括非参数统计方法,经验似然方法

2. 生存分析理论在缺失数据上的应用

3. 应用统计,主要针对情绪相关的问题中的脑电、脑磁数据


  • 厦门大学“厦门航空奖教金”(2018年度)

  • 厦门大学第十一届教学技能比赛(理科组)二等奖


1. 中央高校基本业务费 (Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 20720190067),2019.1--2021.12,23万元,生存分析模型运用于流行病学数据以及电子病历的相关研究,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (National Natural Sciences Foundation of China,11701484),2018.1--2020.12,22万元,平均经验似然方法在右删失数据中的统计推断,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(National Natural Sciences Foundation of China, 11471272),2015.1—2018.12,60万元,复杂多元数据的半参数统计推断,参与


1. Wei Liang, Hongsheng Dai, MariaLuisa Restaino. Truncation model for the analysis of under-reporting probability in COVID-19 pandemic. Submitted to Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2020.

2. Hongsheng Dai, Wei Liang. Hermite Monte Carlo. Submitted to Journal of Applied Probability. 2020.

3. Jie Hu, Wei Liang, Hongsheng Dai and Yanchun Bao. Efficient Empirical Likelihood Inference for Recovery Rate of COVID19 under Double-Censoring. Submitted to Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 2020.

4. Wei Liang, Hongsheng Dai. Empirical likelihood based on synthetic right censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters. 2020.

5. Wei Liang, Yuxiao Yang, Yusi Fang, Zhongying Zhao, Jie Hu. Bayesian Detection of Abnormal ADS in Mutant Caenorhabditis elegans Embryos. Journal of Computational Biology. 2019.

6.  Wei Liang, Hongsheng Dai, Shuyuan He. Mean Empirical Likelihood. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2019.

7. Wei Liang, Shuyuan He, Junshan Shen. Likelihood Ratio Inference for Mean Residual Life of Length-biased Random Variable, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series. 2016, Volume 32, Issue 2, 269–282.

8. ShuYuan He, Wei Liang, Junshan Shen, Grace Yang. Empirical Likelihood for Right Censored Lifetime Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2016, Vol 111, No 514, 646-655.

9. Guoqing Zhao, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Empirical Entropy for Right Censored Data, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica-English Series. 2015, Vol 31, No 2, 395–404.

10. ShuYuan He, Wei Liang. Empirical likelihood for right censored data with covariables, Science China-Mathematics. 2014, Vol 57, No 6, 1275–1286.

11. Jinyu Li, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Empirical Likelihood for Partial Parameters in ARMA Models with Infinite Variance, Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2014, Vol 1, 1-10.

12. Junshan Shen, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Likelihood ratio inference for mean residual life, Statistical Papers. 2012, No 53, 401–408.

13. Jinyu Li, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Empirical likelihood for AR-ARCH models based on LAD estimation, Acta Mathemativa Sinica English Series. 2012, Vol. 28, No 2, 371–382.

14. Jinyu Li, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Empirical likelihood for LAD estimators in infinite variance ARMA models, Statistics & Probability Letters.2011,Vol 81, 212-219.

15. Jinyu Li, Wei Liang, Shuyuan He. Empirical likelihood for the smoothed LAD estimator in infinite variance autoregressive models, Statistics & Probability Letters. 2010, No 80, 1412-1430.