


学历:理学(数学)博士(PhD in Mathematics)


联系电话:0592-2580685,传真:0592-2580608 (Tel:0592-2580685,Fax:0592-2580608)

办 公 室:厦门大学海韵园伟德betvlctor体育C楼C408B

研究方向(Research Interests)

流体力学中的偏微分方程(组)(PDEs from Fluid Mechanics)

教育背景(Higher Education)

1995.9-1999.7: 厦门大学数学系, 本科

(Sept.1995-July 1999: BSc in Mathematics,SMS,XMU)

1999.9-2004.7: 伟德betvlctor体育, 博士

(Sept.1999-July 2004: PhD in Mathematics,SMS,XMU)

工作经历(Working Experience)

2004.8-2008.7: 伟德betvlctor体育, 讲师

(Aug.2004-July 2008:Assitant Professor,SMS,XMU)


(Oct.2005-Aug.2007:Postdoctoral Researcher,IAPCM,BEIJING)


(Aug.2008-July 2012:Associate Professor,SMS,XMU)


(Aug. 2012-now:Professor,SMS,XMU)


(July 2013-Jan.2018: Deputy Secretary,SMS,XMU)


(Oct.2017-now:Associate Dean,SMS,XMU)

社会兼职(Social Service)


科研项目(Research Grants)

(1) 国家自然科学基金(NNSFC),项目名称:磁流体力学中的磁冻结极限和磁边界层问题,项目编号: 10801111,执行时间:2009.1-2011.12(项目负责人)

(2) 福建省自然科学基金(NSF of FUJIAN),项目名称:Boussinesq方程组的粘性极限、边界层效应和正则性研究,项目编号:2010J05011,执行时间:2010.6-2013.6(项目负责人)

(3) 国家自然科学基金(NNSFC),项目名称: Navier-Stokes方程与边界层理论的若干问题,项目编号: 10971171,执行时间:2010.1-2012.12(第一合作者)

(4) 国家自然科学基金(NNSFC),项目名称:奇性抛物方程理论及其在流体力学中的应用,项目编号:11271306,执行时间:2013.1-2016.12(项目负责人)

(5) 福建省自然科学基金(NSF of FUJIAN),项目名称:不可压缩流体力学的数学理论研究,项目编号:2015J01023,执行时间:2015.1-2017.12(项目负责人)

(6) 国家自然科学基金(NNSFC),项目名称:退化抛物方程的可解性及其在可压缩流体力学中的应用,项目编号:11671333,执行时间:2017.1-2020.12(项目负责人)

(7) 国家自然科学基金(NNSFC),项目名称:粘弹性流体动力学模型的数学理论研究,项目编号:12071390,执行时间:2021.1-2024.12(项目负责人)

(8) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(NNSFC),项目名称:可压缩流体及磁流体力学方程组的多尺度渐近分析,项目编号:12131007,执行时间:2022.1-2026.12(第一合作者)

主要论文(Selected Publications)


1. Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang, Minghui Zhong. On the Cauchy problem of 3D compressible, viscous, heat-conductive Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations subject to large and non-flat doping profile. CVPDE, 61(5) 2022, Article No. 161.

2. Suhua Lai, Hao Xu, Jianwen Zhang. Well-posedness and exponential decay for the Navier-Stokes equations of viscous compressible heat-conductive fluids with vacuum. M3AS, 32(8) 2022.

3. Changzhen Song, Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang: On the Cauchy problem of the full Navier-Stokes equations for three-dimensional compressible viscous heat-conducting flows subject to large external potential forces. IUMJ, 71(2) 2022, 509-560.

4. Suhua Lai, Jiahong Wu, Jianwen Zhang: Stabilizing effect of magnetic field on a 2D magnetohydrodynamic flow with one-component damping. CVPDE, 61(4) 2022, Article No. 126.

5. Suhua Lai, Jiahong Wu, Jianwen Zhang: Stabilizing phenomenon for 2D anisotropic magnetohydrodynamic system near a background magnetic field. SIMA, 53 (2021), 6073–6093.

6. Ying Sun, Jianwen Zhang, Xiaokui Zhao. Nonlinearly exponential stability for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with temperature-dependent transport coefficients. JDE, 286 (2021), 676-709.

7. Suhua Lai, Jiahong Wu, Xiaojing Xu, Jianwen Zhang, Yueyuan Zhong. Optimal decay estimates for 2D Boussinesq equations with partial dissipation. JNLS, 31 (2021), No. 1, 16.

8. Hao Xu, Jianwen Zhang. Regularity and uniqueness for the compressible full Navier-Stokes equations. JDE, 272 (2021), 46-73.

9. Shengquan Liu, Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang. Global well-posedness of strong solutions with large oscillations and vacuum to the compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations subject to large and non-flat doping profile. JDE, 269 (2020), 8468-8508.

10. Xia Ye, Jianwen Zhang. The behavior of boundary layer for the compressible planar MHD equations at small shear viscosity. JDDE,32 (2020), 281-311.

11. Jinkai Li, Zhonghai Xu, Jianwen Zhang. Global well-posedness with large oscillations and vacuum to the three-dimensional equations of compressible nematic liquid crystal flows. JMFM, 20 (2018), 2105-2145.

12. Song Jiang, Jianwen Zhang. On the vanishing resistivity limit and the magnetic boundary layer for one-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics. Nonlinearity, 30 (2017), 3587-3612.

13. Jianwen Zhang, Xiaokui Zhao. On the global solvability and the non-resistive limit of the compressible heat-conductive MHD equations. JMP, 58 (2017), 031504.

14. Xia Ye, Jianwen Zhang: Boundary-layer phenomena for the cylindrically symmetric Navier-Stokes equations of compressible heat-conducting fluids with large data at vanishing shear viscosity. Nonlinearity, 29 (2016) 2395-2416.

15. Xia Ye, Jianwen Zhang. On the behavior of boundary layer of one-dimensional isentropic planar MHD equations with vanishing shear viscosity limit. JDE, 260 (2016), 3927-3961.

16. Jianwen Zhang. Global well-posedness for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity coefficient. JDE, 259 (2015), 1722-1742.

17. Jing Li, Jianwen Zhang, Junning Zhao. On the global motion of viscous compressible baratropic flows subject to large external potential forces and vacuum. SIMA, 47(2) (2015), 1121-1153.

18. Hailiang Li, Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang. Global classical solutions to 3D compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with large oscillations and vacuum. SIMA, 45(3) (2013), 1356–1387.

19. Shengquan Liu, Haibo Yu, Jianwen Zhang. Global weak solutions of 3D compressible MHD with discontinuous initial data and vacuum. JDE, 254 (2013), 229-255.

20. Xinying Xu, Jianwen Zhang. A blow-up criterion for 3-D compressible magnetohydrodynamic equations with vacuum. M3AS, 22(2) (2012), 1150010 (23 pages), DOI No. 10.1142/S0218202511500102.

21. Song Jiang, Jianwen Zhang, Junning Zhao. Boundary-layer effects for the 2-D Boussinesq equations with vanishing diffusivity limit in the half plane. JDE, 250 (2011), 3907-3936.

22. Jianwen Zhang, Song Jiang, Feng Xie. Global weak solutions of an initial boundary value problem for screw pinches in plasma physics. M3AS, 19(6) (2009), 833-875.

23. Song Jiang, Jianwen Zhang. Boundary layers for the Navier-Stokes equations of compressible heat-conducting flows with cylindrical symmetry. SIMA, 41(1) (2009), 237-268.

24. Jianwen Zhang, Feng Xie. Global solutions for a one-dimensional model problem in thermally radiative magnetohydrodynamics. JDE, 245 (2008), 1853-1882.

25. Jianwen Zhang, Junning Zhao. On the global existence and uniqueness of solutions to the nonstationary boundary layer systems. Sci. China, Math., 49(7) (2006), 932-960.



人才培养(Personnel Training)

1. 已毕业博士生:叶霞(2013-2016年),张明玉(2015-2019年),赵小奎(2015-2020年),徐策(2017-2020年),赖素华(2017-2021年),宋长振(2017-2021年),徐浩(2018-2022年),孙颖(2019-2022年)

2. 已毕业硕士生:黄书伟(2010-2013年),周圆松(2013-2016年),杨应越(2013-2016年),徐策(2014-2017年),苏仕斌(2015-2018年),钟明辉(2018-2021年),余星宇(2019-2022年),梁曼曼(2019-2022年)

3. 在读博士生:叶宏、沈琳萱、代莹、钟明辉

4. 在读硕士生:林方斌


