





办 公 室:厦门大学海韵园伟德betvlctor体育B楼B606


2003-2008 Ph.D. Mathematics, Xiamen University
Specialized in Lie algebras
2007-2008 Visiting student, Rutgers University
Specialized in vertex operator algebras
2014-2015 Visting scholar, University of California at Santra Cruz


2008-2011 Assistant Professor, Xiamen University
2011-2016 Associate Professor, Xiamen University

2016-         Professor, Xiamen University


Infinite-dimensional Lie Algebras, Vertex  Algebras

• 2003-2006, Teaching Assistant for Abstract Algebra and Linear Algebra,
Xiamen University
• 2007-2008, Teaching Assistant for Calculus, Rutgers University
• 2008-present, Instructor for Calculus, Abstract Algebra and Lie algebra, Algebra,
Xiamen University


• 2021/1-2024/12, China NSF grant(No.12071385)
• 2020/1-2022/12, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University,
• 2017/1-2019/12, China NSF grant(No.11622107)
• 2014/1-2017/12, China NSF grant(No.11371024)
• 2013/1-2015/12, The Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province,
• 2013/1-2015/12, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central University,
• 2011/1-2013/12, China NSF grant(No.11001229)
• 2010/1-2010/12, China NSF grant(No.10926040)
• 2009/1-2011/12, The Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province,


26.Fulin Chen, Xiaoling Liao, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Vertex algebras and extended affine Lie algebras coordinated by rational quantum tori, to appear in Journal of Algebra.
25.Drazen Adamovic, Antun Milas and Qing Wang, On parafermion vertex algebras of sl(2) and sl(3) at level -3/2, to appear in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics.
24.Cuipo Jiang and Qing Wang, Fusion rules for Z_2-orbifold of affine and parafermion vertex operator algebras, DOI: 10.1007/s11856-020-2082-0,Israel Journal of Mathematics.
23. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Trigonometric Lie algebras, affine Lie algebras, and vertex algebras, Advances in Mathematics, 363(2020), 106985.
22. Zhiqiang Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, Harish-Chandra modules for divergence zero vector fields on a torus,  Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 301(2019), 243-265.
21. Hongyan Guo, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang, q-Virasoro algebra and affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra, 534(2019), 168-189.
20. Cuipo Jiang and Qing Wang, Representations of Z2-orbifold of the parafermion vertex operator algebra K(sl2, k), Journal of Algebra, 529 (2019), 174-195.
19.   Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Ding–Iohara algebras and quantum vertex algebras,Journal of Algebra, 511 (2018), 182-214.  
18. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, A certain Clifford-like algebra and quantum vertex algebras, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 216(2016),  441-470.
17.  Chongying Dong and Qing Wang, Quantum dimensions and fusion rules for Parafermion vertex operator algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 144(2016), 1483-1492.
16. Qing Wang, Automorphism group of Parafermion vertex operator algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220(2016), 94-107.
15. Fei Kong, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Twisted modules for toroidal vertex algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 220(2016), 1681-1706.
14.  Fulin Chen, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Twisted $\Gamma$-Lie algebras and their vertex operator representations, Journal of Algebra, 442(2015), 202-232.
13. Fei Kong, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Simple toroidal vertex algebras and their irreducible modules, Journal of Algebra, 440 (2015), 264-316.
12. Shaobin Tan, Qing Wang and Chengkang Xu, On whittaker modules for a Lie algebra arising from the 2-dimensional torus, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 273(1) (2015), 147-167.  
11. Hongyan Guo and Qing Wang, Associating vertex algebras with the unitary Lie algebra, Journal of Algebra, 424 (2015), 126-146.  
10. Hongyan Guo, Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, q-Virasoro algebra and vertex algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219 (2015), 1258-1277.  
9. Hongyan Guo, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Some categories of modules for toroidal Lia algebras, Journal of Algebra, 401 (2014), 125-143.  
8. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, On vertex Leibniz algebra, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 217 (2013), 2356-2370.  
7. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Toroidal vertex algebras and their modules, Journal of Algebra, 365 (2012), 50-82.  
6. Chongying Dong and Qing Wang, On C2-cofiniteness of parafermion vertex operator algebra, Journal of Algebra, 328 (2011), 420-431.  
5. Chongying Dong, Ching Hung Lam, Qing Wang and Hiromichi Yamada, The structure of Parafermion vertex operator algebras, Journal of Algebra, 323 (2010), 371-381.
4. Chongying Dong and Qing Wang, The structure of parafermion vertex operator algebra: General Case, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 299 (2010), 783-792.
3. Haisheng Li, Shaobin Tan and Qing Wang, Twisted modules for quantum vertex algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 214 (2010), 201-220.  
2. Haisheng Li and Qing Wang, On vertex algebras and their modules associated with even lattice, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 213 (2009), 1097-1111.  
1. Qing Wang and Shaobin Tan, Quasifinite modules of a Lie Algebra related to Block type, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 211 (2007), 596-608.