





办 公 室:海韵园伟德betvlctor体育C楼C408A


1998/9---2002/7 福建师范大学数学与计算机科学系,数学教育,本科

2002/9---2005/7 伟德betvlctor体育,基础数学,硕士研究生

2005/9---2008/7 伟德betvlctor体育,基础数学,博士研究生


2008/7---2014/7 伟德betvlctor体育,助理教授

2014/8---2019/7 伟德betvlctor体育,副教授

2016/2---2016/12  University of Washington at Seattle,访问学者

2019/8---至今 伟德betvlctor体育,教授




















• Jianmin Chen, Zhibin Gao, Elizabeth Wicks, James J. Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Frobenius-Perron theory for projective schemes. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376(4) (2023), 2293-2324.

• Jianmin Chen, Jiayi Chen, Frobenius-Perron theory of representation-directed algebras. To appear in Frontiers of Mathematics in China. arXiv:2208.06978.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Shiquan Ruan, Hongxia Zhang, Admissible homomorphisms and equivariant relations between weighted projective lines. International Mathematics Research Notices (2023). https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnac364.

• Jianmin Chen, Qiang Dong, Yanan Lin, On connected components of skew group algebras. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10114-022-1237-9.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Pin Liu, Shiquan Ruan, Tilting objects on tubular weighted projective lines: A cluster tilting approach. Science China Mathematics, 64(4)(2021), 691-710.

• Jianmin Chen, Xiao-Wu Chen, Shiquan Ruan, The dual actions, equivariant autoequivalences and stable tilting objects. Annales de L'institut Fourier, 70(6)(2020), 2677-2736.

• Jianmin Chen, Eellen Kirkman, James J. Zhang, Auslander's Theorem for group coactions on noetherian graded down-up algebras. Transformation Groups, 25(4)(2020), 1037-1062.

• Jianmin Chen, Zhibin Gao, Elizabeth Wicks, James J. Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Frobenius-Perron theory of endofunctors, Algebra & Number Theory, 13(9)(2019), 2005-2055.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Shiquan Ruan, On tubular tilting objects in the stable category of vector bundles, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 35(4)(2019), 494-512.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Pin Liu, Shiquan Ruan, Tilting and cluster-tilting objects on weighted projective lines (in Chinese), Scientia Sinica Mathematica, 48(11) (2018), 1665-1672.  Dedicated to Professor Shaoxue Liu on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday.

• Jianmin Chen, Eellen Kirkman, James J. Zhang, Rigidity of down-up algebras with respect to finite group coactions, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 221(2017), 3089-3103.

• Jianmin Chen, Jinjing Chen, Yanan Lin, Prufer sheaves and generic sheaves over the weighted projective lines and elliptic curves, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 33(5)(2017), 705-724.

• Jianmin Chen, Xiao-Wu Chen, Weighted projective lines of tubular type and equivariantization, Journal of Algebra, 470(2017), 77-90.

• Jianmin Chen, Xiao-Wu Chen, Zhenqiang Zhou, Monadicity Theorem and Weighted Projective Lines of Tubular Type, International Mathematics Research Notices, 24 (2015), 13324-13359.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Shiquan Ruan, Tilting bundles and the missing part on a weighted projective line of type (2,2,n), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 219(7)(2015), 2538-2558.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Shiquan Ruan, Tilting objects in the stable category of vector bundles on a weighted projective line of type (2,2,2,2;λ), Journal of Algebra, 397(2014), 570-588.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Shiquan Ruan, Abelianness of the missing part from a sheaf category to a module category, Science China Mathematics, 57(2)(2014), 245-258.

• Jianmin Chen, Cotorsion pairs in the recollements of triangulated  categories, Communications in Algebra, 41(2013), 2903-2915.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Generic sheaves on elliptic curves, Journal of Algebra, 319(10) (2008), 4360-4371.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, A construction of the rational function sheaves on elliptic curves, Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 29B(6) (2008), 585-596.

• Jianmin Chen, Yanan Lin, Frobenius Morphisms and Fixed-Point Algebra of the Dual Extension Algebras (in Chinese), Acta Mathematica Sinica, 49(2)(2006), 347-352.


• 林亚南,陈健敏:突出数学思想观点下的教学方法--以线性空间的同构为例,2008年第四届“大学数学课程报告论坛”论文集,48-53


• 在读博士:张洪侠(2019级),陈嘉懿(2021级),张锦锋(2021级),翁伟康(2022级)

• 已毕业硕士:许燕青(2012级), 李志铭(2019级),林尧(2019级)

• 在读硕士:郑艺婷(2021级),朱红英(2021级),刘雨欣(2022级)