学术报告:Nonexistence of global solutions to critical semilinear wave equations in exterior domain in high dimensions



报告题目:Nonexistence of global solutions to critical semilinear wave equations in exterior domain in high dimensions





报告摘要: The aim of this paper is to study the long time behavior of solutions to the initial boundary value problem of critical semilinear wave equations with small data in exterior domain in high dimensions($n\geq 5$). We prove that solutions can not exist globally in time. The novelty is that we first use a cut off function to transform the exterior problem to a Cauchy problem. Then we divide the time into two intervals, in one time interval we establish an energy estimate to control the error terms while in the other interval the asymptotic behavior of two test functions are used. This is a joint work with Prof. Yi Zhou.

报告人简介:宁安博士毕业于复旦大学,师从周忆教授, 现于丽水学院工作,副教授,主要研究方向是波动方程,在该领域发表文章数篇,分别发表在J. F.A, C.PDE等期刊
