学术报告:Synergy and Cooperation, Evolutionary Games in Complex Systems



报告题目:Synergy and Cooperation, Evolutionary Games in Complex Systems



Abstract: Synergy is cooperation in ancient Greek. It is widespread in complex systems, ranging from microbial communities to human societies. Yet cooperative behavior is at odds with evolutionary theory. Traits that help other individuals and not themselves should die out under evolutionary competition. These complex systems are often simulated, but we can provide analytical predictions in some limit cases using evolutionary game theory. In particular, a popular assumption that allows for analytical results is weak selection. Recent experiments, however, suggest that the selection intensity in human strategy updating is non-weak. This leads to a gap between current theory and experiments. We are filling this gap by addressing the robustness of different models. Our findings not only foster an understanding of the current models, but also provide analytical insights to experimental design.

报告人简介:Dr. Bin Wu obtained his Ph.D in Dynamics & Control, Peking University in China. He was a research fellow at the Department of Evolutionary Theory, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany. He also held visiting positions in Harvard University in the US and Monash University in Australia. Dr. Wu currently is an assistant professor in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.  His research interests include evolutionary game theory, biological modelling, complex systems, epidemic spreading dynamics, stochastic dynamics. He has coauthored over 30 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals, including PNAS, Automatica, PLoS Computational Biology, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, New Journal of Physics. His publications have received over 640 citations with two over 100.


