学术报告:The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system for a disparate mass binary mixture


 暨南大学 数学系

报告题目:The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system for a disparate mass binary mixture





The Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system is often used to govern the motion of plasmas consisting of electrons and ions with disparate masses when collisions of charged particles are described by the two-component Boltzmann collision operator. The perturbation theory of the system around global Maxwellians recently has been well established By Y. Guo. It should be more interesting to further study the existence and stability of nontrivial large time asymptotic profiles for the system even with slab symmetry in space, particularly understanding the effect of the self-consistent potential on the non-trivial long-term dynamics of the binary system. In this talk, we consider the problem in the setting of rarefaction waves. The analytical tool is based on the macro-micro decomposition introduced by Liu-Yang-Yu that we can be able to develop into the case for the two-component Boltzmann equations around local bi-Maxwellians. Our focus is to explore how the disparate masses and charges of particles play a role in the analysis of the approach of the complex coupling system time-asymptotically toward a non-constant equilibrium state whose macroscopic quantities satisfy the quasineutral nonisentropic Euler system.


刘双乾,博士,现为暨南大学数学系教授。 2004本科毕业于华中师范大学,2009年博士毕业于武汉大学;2013年至2014年香港中文大学数学系博士后,2015年至2016年布朗大学应用数学系访问学者。2015年入选广东省特支计划青年拔尖人才。曾访问香港中文大学、香港城市大学等。刘双乾博士的研究方向为非线性偏微分方程,其研究成果主要发表ARMA、CMP、JFA、SIMA、JDE等。。
