学术报告:A P3-decomposition of tournaments and bipartite digraphs

报 告 人:  宝音都仍 教授   


报告题目:A P3-decomposition of tournaments and bipartite digraphs

报告时间:2017年 2  月 10 日(周五) 下午 4:30

报告地点: 海韵数学物理大楼661

摘要: A P3-decomposition of a directed graph D is a partition of the arcs of D into directed paths of length 2. In this talk, we give a characterization for a tournament and a bipartite digraph admitting a P3-decomposition. This solves a problem posed by Diwan (P3-decomposition of directed graphs, Discrete Appl. Math., http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2016.01.039.). This is a joint work with Xinhui An and Fangxia Wang.


联 系 人:金贤安教授

