学术报告:On The Negativity of Ricci Curvatures of Complete Conformal Metrics

报 告 人:韩青教授

           University of Notre Dame(圣母大学)

报告题目:On The Negativity of Ricci Curvatures of Complete Conformal Metrics

报告时间:2017年 2 月 15 日下午 16:00

报告地点: 海韵实验楼108

摘要: A version of the singular Yamabe problem in bounded domains yields complete conformal metrics with negative constant scalar curvatures. In this talk, we study whether these metrics have negative Ricci curvatures. The polyhomogeneous expansions for solutions of the Yamabe equation play an important role in the study.

报告人简介:韩青:国际著名的偏微分方程和几何分析专家,美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)教授,北京大学入选者。

联 系 人:邱春晖教授
