学术报告:On canonically polarized Gorenstein minimal 3-folds satisfying the Noether equality

报 告 人:陈伊凡讲师


报告题目:On canonically polarized Gorenstein minimal 3-folds satisfying the Noether equality

报告时间:2017年 3 月 2 日上午 10:00

报告地点: 海韵实验楼108

摘要: I will talk about known results on the Noether type inequalities for complex projective surfaces and 3-folds of general type. Then I talk about the joint work with Yong Hu on the classification of 3-folds satisfying the Noether equality, with the assumption that the 3-folds are canonically polarized and Gorenstein.

报告人简介:陈伊凡,北京航空航天大学数学与系统科学学院讲师;2013年博士毕业于北京大学,期间曾到德国Bayreuth大学进行联合培养,并取得德国的学位。陈伊凡的研究领域是代数几何,在代数曲面及三维簇的分类问题中取得若干优秀的成果,发表在Mathematische Zeitschrift, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Manuscripta Mathematica, Nagoya Mathematical Journal等杂志。

联 系 人:教授
