学术报告:On Maxwell field and linearized gravity in Kerr spacetime



报告题目:On Maxwell field and linearized gravity in Kerr spacetime

报告时间: 2017年9月19日下午14:30


内容摘要:After the publication of Einstein's theory of General Relativity in 1915, many predictions have been confirmed in the latest one century, culminating at the recent observations of gravitational waves emitted during the merging of binary black holes by LIGO and VIRGO collaborations. Black holes are one of the fundamental predictions, and the one of most interests is the Kerr black hole spacetimes. The metric of a Kerr spacetime describes a rotating, stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically flat solution to vacuum Einstein equations. One of the most important open problems in mathematical General Relativity is to address the fully nonlinear stability conjecture of Kerr solutions. In this talk, I will present recent results in obtaining energy estimates for both Maxwell field and linearized gravity on Kerr backgrounds, which will advance the field towards this conjecture.

报告人简介:马思远,德国马克思普朗克研究所-爱因斯坦研究所(Max Planck Institute-Albert Einstein Institute)博士生,主要利用双曲偏微分方程,微分几何以及分析的方法和技术来研究广义相对论中最大的数学公开问题之一——Kerr时空的非线性稳定性猜想。近两年来,为解决线性稳定性,主要工作集中在线性部分所满足的Teukolsky方程上,与合作者一起解决了此方程单波解的稳定性,独立证明了此方程的解在自旋1和2情况下的能量估计和衰减估计。

